House has tickets for a play, gives them to Wilson. House finds out that Cuddy went to a play. The conversation at the cafeteria went like this: H: You’re trying to have sex with Cuddy. W: Fries? H: You took her to a play, you only take women to play because…. W: No, you only […]
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Doctor Who Season 2 Episode 13 Cybermen Leader: We have 5 million Cybermen, how many are you? Dalek Leader: 4 C: You will destroy the Cybermen with 4 Daleks? D: We will destroy the Cybermen with 1 Dalek. D: You are superior in only one aspect. C: What is that? D: You are better at […]
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Another new term coined by the coinist. It originates from the instability of ejb 2.1 using bloody netbeans to complie and deploy j2ee applications. As a result of such inconvenience in deploying and debugging the application, the programmer will in this case, program blindly.
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When you’re in love you’re just in love, there’s nothing specific to be done to please the other party, both of you are just happy because you’re in love, and you’re in love because you’re happy~ This one’s from me : )
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