April 17, 2006 - kenshinjeff
Fun with Google Sets
Other than the obvious fact that I love Google and it’s products so much that I need to play with them before playing my Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires, their products are actually pretty fun.
So today, we’re going to take a look at Google Sets. As described from the front page, GS is supposed to Automatically create sets of items from a few examples. Obviously that wasn’t very informative and so I tried the default: { bmw, honda, mercedes benz }, which obviously returned a set of cars, some more expensive than others.
Like every other naughty hacker, obviously I tried the more set: { long, hard, round, pump }, which somehow didn’t quite turn out the way I wanted it to be. Then I thought, “ok maybe it isn’t obvious enough, let’s try something along similar lines of thought then”. So I ended up with this set: { Jenna, Stormy, Rocco, Peter North }, which also ended up as a dud.
Then I tried: { bill gates }, and it returned a set of reasonably rich/famous/tech people. Then I tried an ego search: { yang yang }, which returned a rather interesting set of results.
All in all, I hereby declare that GS is only good for game shows which require a thesaurus.
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