April 2, 2007 - kenshinjeff

ok! i’m going on a holiday!

That is, if I’ve not been selected for the job : (

So technically, in the next two weeks, if no one calls me up, aside from my dad, that is, I can start planning[1] for my would be holiday immediately after the exams. Oh ok, that would be immediately after my after exam parties and ktv sessions, the wedding I have to attend to and the small lecture I have to give and oh bloody hell. That’s a whole lot of shit I have lying around.

Anyway, since almost everything is somewhat clearing up, I should be relatively freeer then. The next problem is where to go. I have really the intention to leave for like 2 weeks. Preferably in a place where there’s cheap / extremely cheap accommodation, wireless internet and tons of aircon. Probably buy a ton of books to read there wake up late and go party at night too. Anyone got any brilliant suggestions?

I was intending to chunk all the anime I’ve ever watched into the “what i watch” section but apparently after 20-30 entries I realise it’s taking too much time and is messing up my posts. So this post is actually bumped up, until I find a better way of doing it.

Also, just in case you were blind, I deliberately put the shoutbox on the left, so there’s a high chance of people misclicking. *muahahahaha* that’s a joke please don’t click adverts that you don’t like : (


1. What planning??? : DDDDD I’m just the type that goes out without a plan a gets lost without a plan! Woah ho~~~!

geeky stuff / interesting stuff / yang

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